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The JANUS project wants to develop a response to the increasing need for support of vulnerable young people (VYP) who are facing mental health issues.  JANUS wants to promote Autobiographical Theatre (AT)  as a therapeutical methodology created by Domingo Ferrandis and specifically address young people with mental health to  help them develop resilience and socialization skills in reaction to the crisis that they face

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The JANUS project wants to develop a response to the increasing need for support of vulnerable young people (VYP) that are facing mental health issues.

JANUS wants to promote Autobiographical Theatre (AT) as a therapeutical methodology and specifically address young people with mental health to help them in developing resilience and socialization skills in reaction to the crisis that their face.



The activities envisaged by Janus are:


  • Autobiographical Theatre: Training of trainers

  • Adaptation of AT methodology in Romania and Cyprus

  • Co-creation of JANUS methodology

  • Implementation of Janus methodology in Romania and Cyprus

  • Local Testing workshops in Italy, Romania and Cyprus

  • 2 Autobiographical theatre performances in Romania

  • 1 Autobiographical theatre performances in Cyprus

  • Digital platform

  • 1 e-booklet

  • Set of videos

  • 1 Janus Festival of Autobiographical theatre in Romania


Project Number: 2023-1-RO01-KA220-YOU-000154837

The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

© 2023 - JANUS Project

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