By Ana Maria Solis
During the month of May, significant activities have been conducted under the JANUS methodology:
The University of Arts in Târgu Mureș collaborated with the target group to adapt the Autobiographical Theatre(AT) methodology. The young people participated in various activities that will shape future sessions. They worked with students to adapt the AT methodology, watching short films from Euphoria, Mr. Robot, Brothers, and Black Swan, and discussing mental health issues and how they manifest. The students came up with different words they considered representative of what they observed. Based on these words, the students will create stories to work with in our future sessions.
On Saturday the 25th, ShipCon held its first meeting with the theater group participating in the JANUS Project. The project objectives were discussed, and future meetings were scheduled to test and adapt the methodology to the work environment. The participants are five young women from Limassol, Cyprus, who are deeply connected to the arts, using their bodies as a means to express deep emotions, often indescribable with words.
In the JANUS Project, art meets psychology through the JANUS methodology, created by Domingo Ferrandis of SOLIS Srls. This innovative approach explores and addresses mental health through autobiographical theater and drama therapy, specifically targeting young people with mental health issues. The methodology helps participants develop resilience and social skills in response to their crises. This approach not only offers an opportunity for self-awareness and emotional expression but also fosters deeper connections among participants, facilitating powerful catharsis and personal transformation.
Stay tuned for more information!
#ProyectoJANUS #DomingoFerrandis #AnaMariaSolís #SOLISSrls #UniversitateaDeArteTârguMures #ContiuLia #MentalHealth #DramaTherapy #AutobiographicalTheater #AnaMariaSolís