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Transformation Through Art: The JANUS Methodology

Authors: Domingo Ferrandis and Ana Maria Solis, SOLIS SRLS

In an environment where art merges with psychology, the JANUS methodology, created by Domingo Ferrandis of SOLIS SRLS, stands out as an innovative approach to exploring and treating mental health. Focused on autobiographical theatre and dramatherapy, it specifically addresses young people with mental health challenges, helping them develop resilience and socialization skills in response to their crises. This approach not only provides a platform for self-awareness and emotional expression but also fosters deeper connections among participants, facilitating powerful catharsis and personal transformation."

Autobiographical Theatre: A Window to the Soul

Autobiographical theatre in JANUS is not just a form of entertainment but a powerful therapeutic tool. Participants have the opportunity to narrate their own stories, which are often deep and personal, in an environment that respects and values authenticity and vulnerability. This form of theatre allows individuals to revisit past experiences, often traumatic, and recontextualize them within a framework that promotes understanding and healing.

Dramatherapy: Art as an Emotional Mirror

Dramatherapy, another essential component of the JANUS methodology, uses play, performance, and movement to explore and resolve internal conflicts. This approach not only helps participants express emotions that may be difficult to verbalize but also provides a way to explore solutions to personal problems or traumas in a safe and controlled space.

The Power of Art in Collective Healing

One of the most impactful aspects of JANUS is its focus on collective experience. Through group activities, participants build a mutual support community where each member contributes to an environment of empathy and understanding. These collective sessions allow participants to feel that they are not alone in their struggles, facilitating a sense of connection and belonging that is vital for emotional recovery.

 Long-Term Effects and Community Outreach

The JANUS methodology does not only focus on the immediate effects of artistic activities but also seeks to have a lasting impact on participants and their communities. At the end of the program, participants are equipped with tools they can use to manage their emotional well-being and assist others in their communities. Additionally, public performances and discussions facilitate greater awareness and understanding of mental health issues, contributing to destigmatization and promoting open dialogue.

The JANUS wants to showcase how art can transcend creative expression to become a vital tool for personal discovery and emotional transformation. By integrating autobiographical theatre and dramatherapy, JANUS introduces a novel approach to understanding and treating mental health. It provides a unique space where art and psychology converge to transform lives


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